Friday, January 26, 2024

Brain Dump

Boy, do I need a's been awhile. First and foremost, can we get some effing sunshine? My gawd. How do people in the Pacific Northwest live like this? I barely want to get out of bed, I barely want to talk to people. I barely want to function. Depression? No. Just what I am going to call the " sads." Blech. I'm afraid to stay too long and drink too much tonight, but my gawd, I can't stand doing nothing any longer.

So, I live in the metro area of Kansas City, Missouri. I live on the Kansas side of the state line. Yes, KC, MO is on the state line of MO and KS. Anyway, enough geography for today. The idiots who run KCMO just voted to remove income requirements from landlords for prospective renters. Of course, this was all brought about by an organization representing tenants. Supposedly. I say supposedly, because I am almost certain this organization is bilking the city for plenty of dollars. Even so, there are plenty of reasons to understand why this benefits no one except "Guv'mint"...which was the goal all along. It always is. "guv'mint" is like a tape worm; it keeps eating and eating with nary a care for anything else but itself. Boondoggles, "$800 hammers," crony contracts, kickbacks, perks, "tis for the, but not for me." That the vasty majority of citizens are incapable of knowing and understanding this makes me weep for this country. It's one thing to be ignorant, it is an absolute other to CONTINUE to feed the ignorance of believing for one nanosecond that "guv'mint" cares one iota about you or anyone else. That borders on mental retardation.

Say I am a landlord in KCMO...more like a slumlord (that's a whole other post in and of itself). I can no longer run a credit check nor can I take into account for income for a potential renter of my property. So, what do I make my decision based upon? I don't. I am selling my property to the highest bidder and I'm taking my $'s and leaving KCMO as fast as I can get out of town. In that scenario, who wins? Well, "guv'mint" does because they get to make the zoning laws, collect the tax money from those zoning laws. How many zones do you think will be multi-unit housing now? Cha-ching. "And the money keeps rolling in..." Who else wins? The "BIG Land" company who bought my property. They get to collect millions and millions of dollars...and kick some back to the politicians who voted for the zoning laws...from renters. They get the "development" tax breaks from the "guv'mint" to "develop" the location. They then turnaround and sell to the next "BIG Land" organization and the process continues ad nauseum. Do the renters win? No. Their rent continues to go up and their living conditions degrade without any maintenance. Why? "BIG Land" isn't going to be held accountable or do maintenance. As soon as the maintenance issues become too expensive, they sell and the next guy has t deal with it; and they never do because all they do is give pressers and print stories about how bad the other guy was and how they are planning and organizing to "get to the bottom of it for these renters." Blah, blah, blah. It's all a move to "guv'mint" controlling your lives and giving you whatever they think you need. And rest assured, there are plenty of $600 incentive checks to spread around to the citizenry to shut you up and make you believe they're "doing something." And you fall for it every time AND clamor for more. Idiots.

Brain Dump

Boy, do I need a's been awhile. First and foremost, can we get some effing sunshine? My gawd. How do people in the Pacific No...