Wednesday, December 6, 2023

First Round on Me!

Ya, know…I don’t know if I have anything profound to say, but there are a lot of voices in my head (a friend of mine once told me that I was my “own group of people. I took it as a compliment.) telling me to write and keep writing. Whether anybody wants to read it or not is of no consequence but write I must just to get it out of my head and silence the voices. Kenny Chesney (don’t care what you think about him; he’s an entertainer and artist in his own right. What have you done remotely close to what he has? That’s what I thought…) he had to write an album full of songs he KNEW would not get any airplay, but he HAD to write them for himself. To get them out of his head.

So, write I must…sometimes lengthy, who am I kidding. They’ll probably all be lengthy. An old program director (I worked in radio for many years on the air) used to tell me “I’m gonna teach you to edit if it fucking kills you! Hint: He didn’t, but he was a tremendous inspiration for me in my radio career and he pushed me out of my comfort zone to be better. This is not a safe space. This is not a collaborative effort. This is not a PC blog. I do not consider myself to be the greatest writer in the world, so there is no ego here. This is not going to be 100% grammatically correct. Altho, I am a perfectionist, and it makes me nuts to not use correct grammar, I’ll do my best, but please do not post a reply about grammar. Bah! This is going to be me being raw, brutally honest and off the cuff. You can like it or not, I don’t care. If it helps you, great. If it doesn’t? Great. It has helped me…and the betterment of me is all that matters in this endeavor.

A fellow jock friend of mine, whom I admire, always said that when he was on the air, it was like he was in a bar talking to a bartender. I’ve adopted that for myself and hopefully, that is how this works. Beware. My bar is not some fancy, shiny, glitzy newfangled bar. No. I am the dive bar at the end of the street; paint peeling, Schlitz sign hanging out front, ripped green awning hanging over the door. It may not look like much, but once you step inside, to steal a phrase from “Cheers,” “everybody knows your name” and what you drink. And the regulars wouldn’t have it any other way. Welcome to “Jo3’s Dive Bar!” Come on in, grab a drink, tell some tales, laugh, cry, get angry…no fighting; I am also an ex-cop and I'll throw you out on your ass my own self…and let the world spin by until you feel like going home. Unlike the song, there is no "closing time" here.

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Brain Dump

Boy, do I need a's been awhile. First and foremost, can we get some effing sunshine? My gawd. How do people in the Pacific No...